Treat plantar fasciitis(flat foot) by Using Custom Foot Orthotics.

Treat plantar fasciitis(flat foot) by Using Custom Foot Orthotics.

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition of the heel, caused by inflammation in the feet. The pain is acute and sharp usually more in the morning or immediately after standing up. It can become a major disability, even making it difficult to walk.  The condition is usually treated with rest, physical therapy, exercise, and foot orthotics. …

5 Ways Massage Can Improve Your Health

5 Ways Massage Can Improve Your Health

Therapeutic massage enhances and restores the natural functioning of the body. Massage therapy has been practiced both in Western and Eastern cultures for healing and health benefits. Monterey Park Physiotherapy offers the best therapeutic massage all over the country both as a standalone and as a supplementary treatment. Being equipped with the technologically advanced modalities…

Vestibular Therapy : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Vestibular Therapy : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The Vestibular system is responsible for a person’s core body functions. In cases of vestibular disorders the patient gets physically and emotionally overwhelmed. Loss of balance and giddiness hampers the activities of daily living. The statistics show that in Canada vestibular disorder affects approximately 35% of adults over 40 years of age at some point…